ESG Rating Reports​

Demonstrate your ESG maturity with a precise measure, assessed against over 130 granular data points.

Access your ESG Rating report to:
  • 1. Benchmark your ESG performance against over 2300 European companies.​
  • 2. Enhance your risk and opportunity management with in-depth, comparable metrics.
  • 3. Meet the ESG expectations of your customers and investors with a comprehensive ESG assessment.

Standard 2024

Access the report

    The Standard report offers an ESG assessment that shows:

    • The overall ESG rating
    • Raw ESG data collected by our ESG analysts and enriched via a dialogue with the Corporate
    • Detailed ESG Data collected by our sustainability analysts and enriched through company dialogue

Premium 2024

€900 excl. VAT
Access the report

    The Premium report is available for €900 (excluding taxes).

    The Premium report is an enriched report format; it includes the following elements:

    • Your company's ESG scorecard, including trends, benchmarks, scores per pillar and sub-pillar
    • Detailed benchmarks on key indicators, and more general benchmarks
    • A graph showing the distribution of ESG scores by sector, by revenue category and by country
    • A top 5 of comparable companies: This information will allow you to learn from the ESG practices of your top performing peers
    • Involvement in controversial activites
    • Contribution to the Substainable Development Goals
    • Modelled carbon footprint (Scope 1 & 2 & 3)
    • EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignement data
    • Raw data with analyst's comments
    • A communication kit: certificate and medal (if applicable)

Methodological Note

Interested in the EthiFinance ESG Ratings methodology, the scoring elements, the French and European benchmarks?